February 2024 Update

How can the shortest month feel like the longest?

February was filled with ups and downs. We reached the halfway point in the production of Battle Cry with many of the cast members completing their lines. Watching them develop these characters has been a joy. I’m blown away that at this time last year, I only had two and a half episodes written. I could never have imagined how far along I’d be by now.

Aside from Battle Cry, I am still hard at work on Phoenix’s Call. Not only was I inspired to outline the remainder of the novel, but I also decided to move away from the historical romance genre and lean into fiction. What this means is that the setting is no longer in our world, but in a fictional one I have created. Leave it to me to change the entire setting of the novel when it’s 80% drafted. Such is life as a writer!

As much work as it is to change, it makes the story feel more rounded and allows me the creative freedom to build the world as I see fit. Not to mention, it opens up the possibility of including a sweet map in the book. I know personally I love opening books to find a detailed map.

All in all, there are a lot of irons in the fire and my muses are getting quite the workout. By the summer, I am hoping to have some tentative release dates to share!

Leani M. Lopez

Author Coach, Novelist, and Podcaster


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